- You can decide to save 1k or 2k every day throughout the forty days of lent. In the end, you give the money to someone in need or pay someone’s school fees.
- You can go through your wardrobe find clothes you have not worn for about a year. Wash them and iron them very well and give them to people. Let it be something that will hurt you.
- If you are fasting and decide to skip breakfast and lunch, give the breakfast and lunch money to someone in need.
- You can make it a point of duty to attend mass throughout this Lent. And you can also say your rosary each day. It may not be easy at the beginning but try. Do something and push yourself.
- Most young people are in relationships; you should decide that during Lent, you will avoid dirty chats and s3x. Ordinarily, this should not be about lent, but try it now, and grace will come to you.
- You can decide to moderate your social media time. You can choose a particular time to come online or specific people you will be listening to or reading this period. It would help if you didn’t allow any cabbage into your pure soul.
- You can decide to visit the homeless or elderly. You may do it once a week for five weeks of lent. You don’t need to go with your phones to take pictures. Just enjoy your almsgiving in silence.
- You can decide to be the cleaner in your house this season. Keep your house clean. Do the laundry of even your siblings or parents without them asking. Charity begins at home. Do something you have not done before.
- You can start by deleting those pornography videos and pictures you have on your phone. Mute that person on your WhatsApp status that always turns you on to masturbation. Discipline yourself against visiting porn sites. When private videos leak online, don’t look for where to watch them.
- Try to trust God. Try to believe that God loves you and he will not fail you. Reduce or, better still, stop your attitude of running from one church to another in the name of seeking a miracle.
Please, if there is something you know that could be helpful, suggest yours as well. Sharing good ideas that will help us grow both physically, financially and especially spiritually, should be number 11 on my list.